• Made this for my friend's new born. Well more for her parents, but you know what I mean. Design by MyCasualWhimsy on Etsy. 
  • This card is dedicated to Giorgia one of the sweetest craft girls on IG. She's Italian but speaks English really well. As an American I don't even notice when I use colloquialisms or metaphors that to me seem natural but sound probably really strange to a not native-English speaker. One of the crafty gals mentioned that Giorgia is "busy as a beaver" and so she googled "BEAVER" which returned some photos/articles of the non-4 legged but still furry persuasion.. Needless to say she was terribly confused about the phrase so as a supportive giggle about the whole situation, a few of us decided to make a card dedicated to her and this one is mine.

    Beaver silhouette cut file is from Miss Kate Cuttables
  • Inspired by and dedicated to Kathy Racoosin at www.thedailymarker.com and @kathyrac on IG. #thedailymarker30daycoloring2 is over and this was my last cars for this challenge. I didn't participate daily but I still enjoyed coloring when I could and making many new crafty friends on Instagram.