• Bell Jar Shaker Card

    Created this card using the free (at the time) silhouette cut file for flowers in a bell jar for my sister. I got crazy ambitious and made it into a shaker shape! I used the belljar shape and created an edge only shape of the belljar using silhouette designer. Then cut 1 layer of transparency film for the bell jar cover + 8 layers of transparency film for the edges to make the center hollow. I threw a couple of sequins and beads in there then glued the cover on. It turned out cuter than I'd expected!
    Admittedly this project did take me a few hours (~5 hours I think) with all of the planning, cutting, gluing. And then I made an envelope for it since the whole card + easel was an odd shape. I used my envelope punch board and made this envelope based on an idea from My Blue Bike 101 who had a video about making coin envelopes.
    It all came together so well! I used a bunch of techniques I was new to or had never done before and was super happy when I was done! And of course my sister loved it which made it all worth while!

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